Friday, November 21, 2008

Catching Up

I have gotten behind on updating the blog because of several things. We are going to have a yard sale in the morning. Yes, I know it's going to be 24 degrees at 7:00, but we're going to do it anyway. I'm tired of all this junk in my garage and I'm ready for it to go! It will be a long night, early morning and long day tomorrow, but hopefully we'll make a little money and meet some of our neighbors. Phil was at the bank yesterday getting some money for us to make change and I guess he told the teller what it was for. She said a lady was in there the day before and made $4000 on her yardsale the previous weekend. $4000??? We'll be extremely lucky if we make $400. Who makes $4000 on a yard sale?
Here a few pictures of the kiddos. Nathan cracks me up the way he "reads" catalogs. He LOVES them and really studies them. It makes me laugh.Here is Nathan getting a haircut from Phil. Again, looks like an old man in a barber shop! We go though at least two suckers just to get him to be still.

Apparently he still loves Camille. I keep thinking he will lash out at her or something, but he truly seems to love her.
I finally put a bow in her hair and attempted to take some pictures. If only she would smile for the camera!


The Cosby's said...

Oh my gosh, Nathan reading the magazine while getting his hair cut is hilarious! It's good Phil will cut it for him, that will save some money. You have beautiful children!

Jillina said...

Ooh hope the yard sale went well and that you've got oodles of extra cash from it. If I don't talk to you this week, have a good Thanksgiving. We will be thinking of you guys.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

how very sweet. hope the sale went well!